1. Rain is less common in the morning.
Warm air, high humidity and wind from the sea bring afternoon shower to the capital city. Local joke is that it always start when the office hour is over. Set your travel plan a bit early to enjoy the outdoor activities in the morning such temple visit, flea market shopping or city stroll.
2. Moto during heavy rain is a NO
One of the fastest way to zig-zag around the alleys and streets in Bangkok but NO NO NO to the dare-devil ride in the rain. Even some expert riders (food delivery guys) take shelter duringheavy pour down.
3. places to stay dry
Shopping paradises, most of the department stores in Bangkok open up untill late night of 10pm. You can get food, coffee and window shopping to kill time. Plus, cinema open upto midnight. Various seat types are available from normal seat to flat bed with unlimited popcorn. If you prefer to spend the time in dimmer places with drinks, bars and clubs are open until 2am.
4. Rain rain goes away
Local herb can put the rain away, according to the ancient belief. How? Stick a handful of lemongrass upsides down into the soil, only done by the virgin lady who also has to be the youngest sibling. This will clear up the sky of that area. You can try if you want but result is not guaranteed. Rumour has it that in the major events, organisers still practise this when the sky starts to look gloomy.
5. Floodwater
It is common, sigh, for the flooding after intensed or prolonged storm. Avoid walking in the floodwater if you can. However if it is necessary to get your feet wet, watch the step carefully for the uneven pavement that can tip you down. Lastly, wash your feet with soap to avoid bacteria infection.
